Howard Stern renews 5 yrs with Sirius!

Howard Stern in his own trademark way of dragging things out, announce this morning that he has renewed a five-year contract with Sirius satellite radio!
So far as the rest of the morning crew, negotiations will now be starting on their future at Howard Stern show.
I'm guessing a lot of this was the normal narcissistic Howard Stern way of building up anticipation to his future?
In celebration we're going to rerun a few of our favorite stories of Howard Stern from the last year.
We're glad you're staying Howard, Love the show, Love You!

Beth Ostrosky Stern's Picture Crash

This is the picture of Beth that crashed

You all know that I'm a fan of Howard Stern, will Howard has some of the most loyal listeners around. Yesterday Howard put up a sexy picture that Beth had picture text him, and of course in keeping his listeners happy Howard put it up on his web site, so add this, Howard's loyal listeners + Sexy Picture of Beth = Crashed servers!
Too damn funny!
All it can say is I finally Made time to put up the Gallery of Beth that has been in the makings for a few months.

Tiger Woods update: Jamie Jungers - Howard Stern's pageant winner of $75,000

Tiger Woods has been trying to put the scandal behind him, and get his life back for himself and his family. Despite this fact, Howard Stern forged ahead with his planned beauty pageant of the golfer's alleged mistresses.
Jamie Jungers won 1st place and took home the $75,000!
Watt-up: I'm so damn sick of hearing about Tiger Woods I could Shit, but Howard Stern in his sick sense of humor, which I might add I Love and listen to daily had my full attention.
Howard you got my attention yet again!
Footnote: I got satellite radio last November and listened to Howard the first day for about 30 minute only to change the channel to Playboy radio.
After about 3 days of that I found my self back on The Howard Stern channel and now listen to the full show daily.
Ya I know Howard is a sick SOB, but he grows on you.
Question is Mom, so do I have an older brother you never told me about?